Gianfranco Pooli
Data-driven digital business consultant with strong technical skills, focused on marketing and business growth. Based in Amsterdam.

Last updated on 24 April 2021

Content marketing ideas for creators: Google Question Hub

Looking for content marketing ideas to tweak your online pages and drive more visitors? All you wanted to know about Google Question Hub in our FAQ

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What is Google Question Hub?

Google Question Hub is a tool produced by Google for content creators, publishers, and for everyone looking to tweak the content on their website.

You can filter down your niche, and view relevant questions that were searched on Google, but for which the search engine didn’t have an answer.

Google Question Hub

You can then answer such questions, or you can point Google to the pages of your website where the answers lie.

Wikipedia defines it as a knowledge market platform, and that is actually what it is: it facilitates the distribution of knowledge resources in a way that everyone wins. The search engine users, the site owners, and Google of course.

Google Question Hub, still in beta, is available here:

What does Google Question Hub do?

Google collects unanswered questions made by users to identify content gaps online.

You can view these questions, filter the ones relevant to your site, and then use these insights to create better content for your audience.

You can point Google to match a question with an actual page of your website, or a video on your Youtube channel. As they say:

“You publish better content. The web improves for everyone.”

In which countries is Google Question Hub available?

Question Hub is available in India (Hindi, English), Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia), Nigeria (English) and, since January 2021, also in the United States (English). Google says they plan to expand to other countries over time.

Is Google Question Hub available in the Netherlands?

Not yet, but there’s a wachtlijst. Leave your email :-) and you’ll be notified by Google once the service launches in your country.

Who is Google Question Hub for?

Question Hub wants to be useful for everyone involved:

  • Search engine users, as they’ll be more likely to find answers because content creators are receiving hints about what to write;
  • Google can fill its content gaps;
  • Content creators and website owners get new content marketing ideas, insights on questions, and, of course, can try to attract more visitors.

If your website traffic relies on organic, then this is one more tool to find not the answers, but questions you need.
With 27 percent of the global online population using voice search on their mobile devices in 2020, Question Hub shows how people formulate questions around specific topics and can help find related queries and terms.

Does Question Hub get me more visitors?

Google says that content you submit as an answer to Question Hub does not impact its ranking on Search.

“Submitting a video or article on Question Hub means you can see the impact of your content.”

But it also says that if a user searches again for that query, then she would find your site. So you get more visitors.

Can you do keyword research on Question Hub?

Questions relevant to your interests made available directly by Google should be giving you insights to create more comprehensive content for your audience. This makes Question Hub great to find new related keywords.
Google assures that these unanswered user questions are straight from users, so you may see misspellings or questions in which the user’s intent is not so clear.

Why would I be interested in this as a user?

As a user, you ultimately will benefit from this. Granted, most of the time Google returns plenty of results - but say a specific question goes unanswered, the next time someone formulates it, an answer might be there.

How can I track the impact of my answers on Question Hub?

Search Console enabled and verified for your website is needed to use Question Hub. Question Hub makes available a dashboard, similar to the ones on Search Console, where you can visualize impressions and clicks for the questions you answered to.

Where does this originate from?

Question Hub was first released in Indonesia, India and Nigeria in 2018, where GoogleGoogle identified content gaps in the English search results.

Why can’t I sign in on Question Hub?

If you’re trying to sign in on Question Hub, but the website keeps redirecting you to the front page, you’re probably trying to login with an account located in a country where Question Hub is not yet supported.